Une édition très limitée : JOD x MARY CLERTE

A very limited edition: JOD x MARY CLERTE

Posted by JOD Paris on

Mary Clerté x JOD

The new JOD Capsule Collection for Christmas
In collaboration with the artist Mary Clerté

For Christmas, the emblematic treatments of the JOD brand are reinvented in the colors and universe of Mary Clerté, a French multidisciplinary artist.

Since its beginnings, the young French brand and art lover has undertaken to do things differently, to free itself from the codes of clean beauty by punctuating its universe with color, glamor and a touch of impertinence. Faithful to this artistic approach, JOD called on Mary Clerté , an artist appreciated by the founders and who shares their values. On the occasion of this unique collaboration, the artist appropriates the decorations of JOD stick treatments to reinvent and rethink them by adding his personal touch.

JOD treatments revisited by Mary Clerté

A special Christmas Capsule Collection

Artistic director of several brands and passionate about art, Mary Clerté assumes a unique and differentiating aesthetic, immersing her spectators in a colorful and luminous universe. Adorned with fluttering butterflies, seductive mouths and surreal flower eyes, JOD stick treatments become display objects that beautify the bathroom. If the formulas and benefits remain identical, the packaging plunges into the unreal, fresh and disconcerting world of the young artist to breathe new life into the brand.

For my collaboration with JOD, I was very inspired by their colorful universe tinged with a 70's inspiration. I wanted to infuse the pretty packaging with a touch of my slightly surreal and strange world, like the flower eyes out of a Jacques Demy film, but also explore the feminine with the sexy red lips which come in endless variations. »

Mary Clerté

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