Posted by JOD Paris on

Can you introduce yourself?

Marie Faure-Ambroise, creator of BEAU VOYAGE, the first adventure media for tribes to be found on my website, my insta or in podcast.

What are the 3 adjectives that could define you? 

I would say optimistic, naive and not too stressed but you have to ask my friends...or my lover.

What are you most proud of?

My 3 children who are far from perfect. But their differences make me happy. I have always preferred people who break the mold.

What is the most important value that you would like to pass on to your children or that you radiate around you?

Do not get attached to things but to moments, do not collect objects but memories. 

My son won't remember the toy he got for his 10th birthday, but he will remember the weekend spent alone with his dad...for the rest of his life.

What makes you feel good? 

Everything I don't know yet.

What are the moments you like to share with family or friends?

I love it when we get together around a good table. My dad had restaurants, we always cooked at my house. All my adolescence, friends would squat at the house to taste his great cooking. 

And above all when it ends in song…. (which is not rare for us)

What would you like to achieve that is more environmentally friendly?

Stop consuming in bulk to limit the trash. It hurts me to see all this cardboard and all this plastic

How do you see yourself in 15 years? 

I'm already trying to see myself tomorrow, it's a lot. I don't make projections, for me it's the best way to be frustrated. Each day is really a gift so I'm happy about that and, for the rest, we have time to see...

What advice would you give to the person you were 20 years ago?

Be happy, you're not that stupid, my darling!

What is a typical day in your life?

My son wakes me up by turning on my light and puts a hot coffee on my nightstand (he understands that I'm worthless without my morning dose of caffeine) then I get up, we have a snack at home, they go to school and I go to the office.

I can record a podcast, write articles, go see my publishing house, edit a film, give a presentation… The days are super varied and I ride around Paris on my Muller riser which has changed my life.

7:30 p.m. or I go back to the house or I go have a drink with friends at La Petite Chaise, a new restaurant that I love.

What makes you beautiful? 

I was going to say love but, honestly, a hydrafacial can change a lot of things!

I also feel better when I go to bed early and drink lots of water.

What is your essential beauty routine?

I have two, once every 3 weeks: semi-permanent varnish application to have perfect nails and once a month: coloring shampoo to hide my white hair. Glam.

What do you have in your handbag?

A pair of glasses (I'm nearsighted and can't see anything without my lenses so I always have a backup), my phone, my keys and a bottle of peppermint essential oil. I love putting a drop on my tongue after a heavy meal or putting some on my wrists in case of a headache or feeling a bit down.

What made you want to start a business?

A great thirst for freedom and, I think, a desire to know what I was worth, to try…. And to put myself in danger.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Bread, gluten in all its forms. It's my passion. Even as a teenager, I would take the money my parents gave me for a sandwich in high school and buy myself a baguette for lunch, without anything. I do the same today when I'm in a rush.

What are your plans?

A travel book from Gallimard in October… and a month of camping in Africa this summer.

What makes you strong?

The people I love!

What would you like to change on earth for your children?

Less violence and less screen time, much less screen time and they stop calling me Brother!

What is your definition of beauty?

The smile, the joy, the laughter…. I find that anyone becomes extremely beautiful when they burst out laughing.

What does being natural mean to you?

Stay yourself in all circumstances, don't disguise yourself, don't try to fit into a box. But it's not always that simple.

Your biggest regret? 

I would have liked to have 5 or 6 children.

Your wildest dream?

I would like to go and live somewhere else for a year with my husband and children.

The Instagram Beautiful journey:

The Beau Voyage website:

The restaurant La Petite Chaise:

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