Posted by JOD Paris on

Can you introduce yourself ?

My name is Laure de Clermont Tonnerre and I am a director.


What 3 adjectives could define you?

Dreamy, passionate, joyful


What is your greatest pride?

My 3 year old daughter


What is the most important value that you would like to pass on to your children?



What makes you feel good?

Swim in the sea


What moments do you like to share with your family?

All. Especially the morning routine before going to school.


What would you like to achieve that is more ecological?

Stop buying clothes.


How do you see yourself in 15 years?

Still a director, perhaps with another child?

What advice would you give to the person you were 20 years ago?

Wear sunscreen! And stop smoking.


What is a typical day in your life?

With my job, my days are not the same at all. Right now I'm writing my film, so I'm stuck at home. What doesn't change: waking up early, coffee and family games before school.


What makes you beautiful?

Mad laugh


What is your essential beauty routine?

Clean my skin well


What do you have in your purse?

Lipstick and sunscreen


What is your guilty pleasure?



What are your plans ?

Writing my third film.


What makes you strong?

To create a little bit every day

What would you like to change on earth for your children?

If the world had more empathy...and less carbon gas.


What is your definition of beauty?



What does being natural mean to you?

Love being yourself


Your biggest regret ?

I try not to have any!


Your wildest dream?

Living by the sea, one day maybe...

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