portrait co-fondatrices JOD les soins solides en sticks naturels et efficaces


Posted by JOD Paris on

Can you introduce yourself ?

Olivia: I am the mother of 4 boys aged 10, 8 and 3 year old twins without forgetting Rodger, our white labrador, my 5th son. Very early riser, I fuel myself with coffee and have been passionate about horse riding since I was 3 years old, Parisian by blood but Norman at heart, my life balances between Parisian pollution and the muddy football fields of Normandy. Co-founder of JOD, I juggle between the launch of my new brand, jogging sessions on the quays at sunrise, class reunions for my 4 children, and the philanthropic projects that I have been carrying out for several years. I like to have ultra-busy and hyper-varied days; the key to always staying motivated!

Jeanne: I am the mother of 5-year-old twins and a 3-year-old boy, a Parisian for over 20 years and in love with a man from Marseille! I love enjoying life to the fullest, going out, eating, traveling, discovering new hotels for family or romantic getaways.

What 3 adjectives could define you?

Olivia: Rigorous, creative and determined

Jeanne: Curious, go-getter and caring

What is your greatest pride?

Olivia: My greatest pride is definitely my children who surprise me every day with their intelligence, their creativity and their joy of life. 4 boys, each with their own personality and impressive strength of character. The role of mother is a unique experience of infinite richness that makes me grow and question myself every day! They are my greatest strength which allows me to undertake and advance in my professional life. They allow me to put into perspective the many difficulties encountered in an entrepreneurial project. But all this would not be possible without the support, complicity and unconditional love of my husband with whom I share everything.

Jeanne: Living the life I want and feeling free and accomplished. I have always aspired to be my own boss and today I am building my business while taking time for my children and prioritizing romantic moments with my husband.

What is the most important value that you would like to pass on to your children?

Olivia: I would like my children to grow up with a sense of respect for others and for differences and to build on this to become open and tolerant adults. We make our children very aware of the causes we support and try to speak freely about the challenges of our time, whether political, environmental or social.

Jeanne: In our family, a big place is given to giving and generosity. At home and at school, children are accustomed from a very young age to sharing, to giving to the most deprived, to filling food parcels for families in need...

What makes you feel good?

Olivia: Setting goals and achieving them, every day on a small or large scale, it is in action that I realize myself. The launch of JOD after three years of work, a success in a horse show, a sprint at a pace never before achieved, a broccoli eaten by one of my sons... These are some examples of my daily victories!

Jeanne: Seeing that my professional life is taking the turn I expected, that my projects are moving forward, that JOD is pleasing and convincing, all without sacrificing my personal life. Read the pride in the eyes of those around me. My friends have always been cheerleaders full of enthusiasm at each stage of my life and meeting them for an evening or a weekend is a breath of love and oxygen for me!

What moments do you like to share with your family?

Olivia: Breakfast is an important moment that I share every morning with my children where the muesli ends up on the floor, the apple juice is spilled on the table one in two times, the Nutella toast ends up in the stomach of Rodger! It's sport in the morning at our house and very lively! But every morning I prepare breakfast and all 6 of us are together! My friends think I'm a UFO!

Jeanne: We have lunch every Saturday noon as a family at home. During the week, my children eat dinner very early and my husband comes home late from work, so we don't have much time together to talk about school, their friends and the rest. This Saturday lunch is a real ritual that I appreciate more and more over the years, as the children get older.

What would you like to achieve that is more ecological?

Olivia: I try to educate my children every day about ecological issues and we strive to limit packaging as much as possible, and to favor refillable products. Their generation will be decisive in the management of ecological problems, we must put these issues at the heart of their education.

Jeanne: I try as much as possible not to take the car when I'm in Paris. I walk or take public transport and the next step will be to only drive electric.

How do you see yourself in 15 years?

Olivia: In the countryside with my dogs and my horses but always active on new professional, equestrian and philanthropic projects. I already see myself as a grandmother surrounded by my children and my grandchildren in the shade of a flowering apple tree.

Jeanne: I want to do more and more, I have too many ideas and desires and why not abroad or in the south of France…

What advice would you give to the person you were 20 years ago?

Olivia: Breathe, we manage to find who we really are over time and motherhood will put your young adult anxieties into perspective.

Jeanne: Take risks! If you have an idea, go for it, learn your skills and create your own life opportunities.

What is a typical day in your life?

Olivia: I get up at 6:40 precisely, I go walk my dog ​​then I prepare breakfast for my children, I dress them with joy and cries before dropping them off at school. I exercise for an hour every morning otherwise I feel bad! I alternate between work meetings or work sessions at the office. I have lunch with a friend in the neighborhood where I have a salad in front of my computer and I move forward with the various files. I try to pick my kids up from school as often as possible so I can make them do their homework myself. Bath, dinner then I go back down to work an hour before my husband arrives. Happiness is going out to dinner with friends or as a couple to unplug from the day!

Jeanne: I'm a (very) late sleeper so I'm not a fan of waking up ultra early! My son comes and wakes me up by slipping into my bed every morning around 7 a.m. (sometimes much earlier to reassure all the young mothers!). After an attempt (often failed) to ask him to go back to sleep for a quarter of an hour, the morning tunnel begins! You have to dress the children, do their hair, prepare their breakfasts, prevent arguments, put away the bags from overturned toy cars... In short, mornings are very sporty at home! My husband drops them off at school and I take advantage of the calm restored to eat breakfast and get ready while checking my first emails of the day.

I often work from home in the morning then go to the office or sit at a coffee shop in the afternoon. I love this freedom to change scenery and there are so many inspiring places to work in Paris.

I usually get home around 7 p.m. so I can spend an hour with my children before they go to sleep. They tell me about their day and I read them a story in bed. That's the advantage of having 3 children in kindergarden, I don't yet know the chore of homework!

I then have dinner with my husband when he gets home or I escape for a dinner with friends.

What makes you beautiful?

Olivia: The love my children and my husband have for me! I'm kidding ! Honestly… take time for yourself: run, drink lots of water, sleep 8 hours and eat light! Nothing better to have beautiful skin!

Jeanne: A night without waking up or a good concealer! Unlike Olivia, I'm not a big sporty person and I love to eat too much to have a perfect shape! But I know how to highlight my assets, pretty eye makeup, deep red lips and that's enough to create an illusion!

What is your essential beauty routine?

Olivia: Hydration is the key I find to have plump and radiant skin, I rely on 2/3 liters of water per day, and I have always moisturized my skin enormously - see Hydranorme from La Roche Posay is amazing and our Essential Day Treatment accompanied by a massage every morning with our gua sha heart stone gives me an incomparable glow.

Jeanne: I never go to bed without having completely removed my makeup and carefully cleansed my skin. Our Milky Makeup Remover Oil is an essential in my toiletry bag at home and when traveling. I also drink a lot of water during the day and add a few drops of Clarins radiance concentrate to my cream every morning to make sure I look good even without the sun!

What do you have in your purse?

Olivia: I always have my flashy pink planner in which I write everything down. My Call it by Your Name card holder, my Air pods and my lip gloss. I always find a lollipop my children forgot, a packet of crushed cakes or a bottle of physiological serum!

Jeanne: My Chanel card holder which is years old but which I love. It's a gift received during my first internship. It needs a good sorting, it's overflowing with cards (I can't say no to a loyalty card!). Heart-shaped Jimmy Fairly sunglasses, and drawings that my kids sneak in.

What made you want to start a business?

Olivia: I wanted to undertake something to surpass myself and take on a new challenge, but it's very paradoxical because I only like one thing: the framework and the structure! My husband always pushes me to step out of my comfort zone to achieve my goals and I think he's right. I wanted to confront a new challenge that allows me to be free, autonomous, to learn, to make mistakes and to create. Nothing is more distressing than static situations, taking risks, launching yourself with all the uncertainty, this allows you to grow. I learned a lot from this experience, both about myself and about cosmetics!

Jeanne: I have always wanted to create something with my own hands. I've had many ideas over the years but never dared to take the risk of getting started. The arrival of my son just before the 2020 confinement and seeing the world be turned upside down as it was gave me the boost I was missing to stop repressing my deep desire to undertake.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Olivia: I admit when my husband is not there: watching the Kardashians in my bed with a hyaluronic acid mask!

Jeanne: Chocolate… And I passed this addiction on to my children! My 3-year-old son can devour half a bar of 80% dark chocolate as a snack...

What are your plans ?

Olivia: Make JOD a beautiful brand appreciated by many women, succeed in offering a new beauty gesture and see JOD expand and grow!

More personally, I support the development of the Regar2moi equine therapy association based near Lyon for children with autism; I would like to be able to help the opening of other equally remarkable and essential reception centers in other regions.

Jeanne: Develop JOD and make it a desirable and recognized brand of natural cosmetics. Through the brand, I would like us to weave a real ecosystem of women entrepreneurs with whom we share common values ​​to collaborate and shine a light on each other. I also want to bring other ideas to life, other products, not necessarily in skincare…

What makes you strong?

Olivia: Everything I manage to accomplish and overcome strengthens me! I like challenges and stress, that’s what boosts me and keeps me moving forward!

Jeanne: The trust my husband has in me. It's a real daily support and my best audience when it comes to my jokes!

What is your definition of beauty?

Olivia: Beauty for me is a mixture of elegance, grace and daring… I like surprising and daring beauties that can be read as much in the personality as in the attitude. The intelligence of the soul is the most desirable of beauties.

Jeanne: For me it’s an attitude. No need to fit into boxes to be beautiful. Having self-confidence and being a beautiful, natural, smiling and generous soul is worth all the perfect bodies in the world. Well, having beautiful, well-hydrated skin doesn’t spoil anything!

What does being natural mean to you?

Olivia: It's being in symbiosis with oneself freely, being true, aligned with one's convictions, one's opinions, and above all knowing how to accept what one is, quite simply.

Jeanne: It's about being who you are, with your flaws and faults, without artifice and without filters.

Your biggest regret ?

Olivia: Not having cubed to pass Normal Sup a second time! I didn't give myself the chance to succeed!

Jeanne: I regret not having spent more time abroad when I was young, not having done an Erasmus exchange or a gap year abroad to really immerse myself in another culture and language. But life is still long and the opportunity for an experience abroad can still present itself!

Your wildest dream?

Olivia: Having a huge JOD window at Le Bon Marché, a corner at Harrods and a fourth cover in US Vogue! That day I'll go to Normandy and I'll present myself to be the mayor of Pont l'Evêque!

Jeanne: Encountering real success with our first JOD products, being sold out in a few weeks! And continue the adventure by developing other ranges quickly…

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