Posted by JOD Paris on

Can you introduce yourself ?

Claudia, buster of myths and preconceived ideas, expert in “assault kicking”, queen of stupidity. And incidentally mental and sports coach, speaker, former high-level sportswoman in football.

What 3 adjectives could define you?

Jovial, crazy, sensitive.

What is your greatest pride?

Allow a large number of people to be physically and psychologically happy.

What is the most important value that you would like to pass on to your children or that you spread to those around you?

The joy of living.

What makes you feel good?

To make laugh.

What moments do you like to share with family or friends?

A good tapas-style meal where everyone shares their dish, in a friendly atmosphere.

How do you see yourself in 15 years?

Alive, already, that seems to me to be a good thing... And then always aligned with what I do and transmit, in my passion, and being able to speak to as many people as possible.

What advice would you give to the person you were 20 years ago?

I was 8 and super shy (I know, it's hard to believe). So I might have given myself the advice to dare to talk with the people around me because it's incredibly rich and if I don't succeed, it doesn't matter, a One day I will achieve it easily! To keep faith.

What is a typical day in your life?

I'm getting up and going to pee! This is just to break the myth of the perfectly healthy influencer/blogger who meditates with her candles when she wakes up. No, there are physiological needs that cannot wait! But it is true that meditation is part of my routine. Obviously physical activity, whatever it is, is part of my daily life. Then, I create content or a new program etc... I always set aside time during the day to have essential contact with at least one positive person around me.

What makes you beautiful?

The moments when I feel beautiful are when I am aligned with what is happening inside of me. When I feel good in my head and in my body I shine. I think that beauty is directly linked to what we embody, how we vibrate. The origin of all this happens inside us.

What is your essential beauty routine?

I think I'm an eyebrow freak! I don't wear makeup every day but I always need my eyebrows to be perfect.

What do you have in your purse?

I always have a lip stick (that's my second pathology after eyebrows). At the moment I have a fan that I brought back from Andalusia. I think I'm in an old Spanish film like Zorro when I take it out. It's stupid but it's fun and it refreshes me a little! Then obviously there is my card holder, pennies that wander around freely in the bag and are never used…

What made you want to start a business?

The visceral need to always step out of the box, to not conform to a mold. Maybe some companies allow this freedom, but if we have to allow freedom it is because initially there is no freedom. So since I just said the word “freedom” almost 3 times in a row, I think it’s my need for freedom.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I never feel guilty about treating myself, it would ruin the flavor of it. I love chocolate and I eat it every day.

What are your plans ?

Transforming more and more digital into reality. I need to meet all these people I speak to through social networks. I want to give them the experience in real life and I want to live it in real life. So through the creation of events, “showreferences” as I like to call them (between the conference and the one Woman show) and the creation of well-being stays.


What makes you strong?

See that what I do is not useless. I often doubt, wondering if everything I do really serves any purpose. So when I read the testimonies and messages on Instagram it makes me stronger. And above all, what makes me undeniably strong is pushing myself and failing.

What would you like to change on earth for your children?

Relations between humans. I have the impression that this is more of a particularly French problem, although I am sure other countries have this problem too. I have Italian and Spanish origins and every time I go to these countries, everyone talks to each other. It hits me every time. This summer in Andalusia I met more people in a week than I could in a month in France. We had real conversations, not superficial ones, without a smartphone on the table at the restaurant. And I loved that!

What is your definition of beauty?

I think that beauty is directly linked to what we embody, how we vibrate. The origin of all this happens inside us.

What does being natural mean to you?

Being natural, for me, means not needing to play a role to feel loved and accepted. Be yourself, without fear of how others will receive it.

Your biggest regret ?

I have a ton of them! It's hard for me to say just one. I think my biggest regrets are linked to people I didn't have the chance to know, see and meet.

Your wildest dream?

Invent teleportation!

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